Clean Energy
- Installation of a biogas heating system for the training centre – Energy contract with 10% green gas
- Upcoming stadium rehabilitation works – 2022/2025: installation of 1000m2 of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the south building
- Objective: HQE certification after the renovation works of the stadium
Energy Efficiency
- Presence detectors: in the corridors of the administrative offices and the East and West passageways
- Replacement of standard bulbs by LED as soon as possible
- Replacement of conventional power strips by power strips with switch and work to raise awareness among employees
- Carbon footprint in progress
- Upcoming stadium rehabilitation works – 2022/2025: Upcycling of portions of the A340 fuselage to make them sunshades on the south facade and reuse of used materials: grids, slabs, etc
Sustainable Transport
- Partnership with local transport company: special rate offer for supporters on match night
- Carpool parking for the general public
- Reduction in the number of parking spaces to 1 for 4 for hospitality customers
- Mobility audit carried out in 2018 and accessibility in 2020 in order to follow the evolution of stadium access habits
- Addition of soft transport e-tickets
- Setting up a bicycle parking lot inside the stadium for employees
- Development of the tram station in the colours of the club to encourage spectators to use public transport
- Station less than 5 minutes from the stadium
- Establishment of a permanent banner on the Racing site promoting soft transport and public transport
- Raising public awareness of rare parking on match night (Fan Zone speaker speaking)
- Implementation of a deposit system for bicycle accessories on match days
- Upcoming stadium renovation works – 2022/2025: installation of a 3,000-space bicycle parking lot
- Use of an electric vehicle by the President and installation of a charging station inside the stadium
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Reusable Eco Cups
- Abolition of plastic bags in favour of paper bags
Waste Management
- Installation of dual-flow bins + signage within the stadium
- Raising public awareness of waste sorting on match days (giant screen visual)
- Installation of sorting bins in the administrative offices and scrap boxes next to the printers
- Installation of cork collectors in the refreshment bars of the stadium, for the benefit of a charity association working for hospitalised children
- Purchase of a grain coffee machine to replace a capsule machine (administrative premises)
- Installation of composters for reception areas and in administrative offices, in conjunction with a local association (in progress)
- Food waste controlled by reduction and quantities and donations to volunteers/local association
- Organization of a clean walk with collaborators/players and territorial actors (associations, inhabitants) around the stadium
Water Efficiency
- Return of water to the canal located near the stadium
- Identification of malfunctions in the sanitary facilities and upgrading of equipment
- Upcoming stadium rehabilitation works – 2022/2025: installation of a rainwater collector
Plant-based/Low Carbon Food
- Insertion of responsible food criteria in catering service contracts (local, organic and seasonal products)
- Local products are used, such as bread, meat and water
- Installation of vegetarian sandwiches in the refreshment bars on match night
- Establishment of a partnership with local farmer to offer monthly baskets of vegetables to employees (in progress)
- Reasoned maintenance of green spaces maintenance and preservation of remarkable trees
- Upcoming stadium rehabilitation works – 2022/2025: installation of beehives, planting of vines and landscaping of the Fan Zone with vegetated soils
Policy, Commitments and Communications
- Category dedicated to CSR activities on the site, but more societal commitment, not environmental: CSR actions are mainly shared in the general news section of the club’s website and social networks
- Obtaining the Fair Play For Planet label – Certified Player 2021
- Solidarity actions built hand in hand with the association Femmes de Foot, in a virtuous circle approach and in connection with local businesses & artisans
- Missions of general interest carried out with territorial institutions
- Mobilisation of employees in societal and environmental actions
- Implementation of a CSR category in the internal news club (advice, news, challenges…)
- Organization of a clean walk with collaborators/players and territorial actors (associations, inhabitants) around the stadium
- In 2017: Donation of €5000 to the Rhône Alpes Federation for the Protection of Nature (Frapna) via their ASSE Coeur Vert foundation to support environmental actions in the “Loire” region.
Information shared directly from RC Strasbourg Alsace staff, website and third party websites.
Information updated on April 6, 2022