info for PL
Partner Example 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Partner Example
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Aston Villa 2020
Clean/Renewable Energy
- In 2013 the club identified its carbon emissions & offset them completely with carbon credits purchased from renewable energy projects around the world
Energy Efficiency
- Building management system in place
- Decreased consumption in heating, lighting and electrical equipment remotely controlled, lighting control sensors in most toilets
- Stadium house lights completely LED that use total power equivalent to one stand last year
- Over half the stadium is installed with LED lights with plans to make all concourses LED by close of season
Sustainable Transport
- Structured travel plan in place to reduce the number of cars going to stadium
- Staff are encouraged to car share were at all possible
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Single use plastic sachets removed from concourses
- Wooden forks and stirrers now used, along with paper straws, napkins are the recycled variety
- All food containers are from sustainable sources and recyclable
- The club is looking at reusable beer cups, hoping to trial by the end of the season
- In process of signing new contract for water coolers, plus provision of sports bottle for each member of staff to reduce plastic cups
Waste Management
- Comprehensive waste management programme in place
- Soon rolling out waste collection within the ground and compact to reduce waste collection to once a week
- Starting to bail cardboard on site to reduce on collection and recycle in bulk
- Just invested in the latest recycling bins for Villa park and BMH
Water Use
- Rainwater-collection system on the roof of the stadium’s Holte End section, provides water for irrigation around the facility & at a nearby garden
- Water-saving fixtures around the venue
Plant based/low carbon food
- Vegan hot dogs and curries are available on the concourse
- 85% of food sourced locally from surrounding of 5 counties, awarded Green Restaurant Award
- No environment or sustainability policy or page but some information available on other pages of website, in club news and through third party websites (not in last 6 months)
Information sourced directly from Aston Villa FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated January 23rd 2021
Burnley 2020
New information sent 2021 in Italics
Clean/Renewable Energy
- 100% renewable energy at the stadium and training ground, through renewable energy provider
Energy Efficiency
- LED lighting used including floodlights
- Planned roll out across the stadium to change and/or covert 75% of its traditional fluorescent lighting units to LED. The club replaced its existing metal halide floodlighting system with LED technology in 2016, doubling the light output, but reducing its energy consumption
- Since 2013 Burnley Football Club have partnered with an energy management consultancy, to become a more sustainable and energy efficient club
- Club is ESOS compliant and has undergone energy audits to identify energy saving opportunities and carbon reduction strategies across the Stadium and training ground
- Burnley Football Club takes sustainability seriously and is in the process of building a new energy policy which will be used to educate staff on the importance of carbon reduction and reducing energy waste
- Club is working with its energy partner to identify solutions to reduce its energy waste and carbon output and improve performance of electrical equipment across the estate. With plans to reduce the club’s energy consumption on both match day and non-match day activities
Sustainable Transport
- Accessible by train and bus
- Work closely with our local bus companies, supporting public transport methods where possible
- The club provides bike racks and storage boxes for staff and visitors at the stadium to encourage less people to travel by car and actively support the Governments ‘cycle to work scheme’
- ‘Car share scheme’ established and operated by the 1st team players, where they have purchased a minibus to transport themselves to and from training sessions during the week
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Removed the supply and use of single use plastic water bottles at the training ground; providing the playing, coaching and back room staff with reusable plastic bottles
- Further investigation is taking place at the stadium to introduce a similar scheme
- Removed the use of plastic carrier bags in the Clarets Store and replaced them with recyclable paper bags with purchase
Waste Management
- 2021 Update: 0% of our waste now goes to landfill. It is used to produce electricity.
- 2021 Update: Burnley FC has developed a partnership with a company that recycles IT equipment. Old IT equipment is either broken down into component parts and recycled, or is refurbished for reuse. In return for our old equipment the recycling company will donate trees to be planted on Burnley FC and Burnley FC in the Community sites (Winter 2021/22 – tree planting season).
- 2021 Update: Burnley FC has also developed a partnership with a furniture recycling company, with the aim of ensuring that old/broken furniture is fully recycled, or refurbished for re-use, rather than it going to landfill.
- Plastics, cardboard and glass are separated at source and are then further processed at the recycling plant
- Recycling bins are used at the stadium and training ground, but these aren’t supporter/customer facing
- Work closely with waste collection providers to ensure our ambition to be a zero-waste organisation is embraced and worked towards
Water Use
- 2021 Update: The stadium is currently undergoing a programme of toilet cistern replacement in its concourse areas. New toilet cisterns use between 3 and 6L on a dual flush system compared to the 11L single flush cistern they replace. One corporate area has also undergone a complete refurbishment with similar reduced capacity toilets installed.
- In approximately 50% of the stadium, volume of water used by supporters on match days by introducing ‘flow aerators’ into all concourse and lounge toilet taps, reducing the water volume of individual w.c. flushes
- Permitted to extract water form the adjacent river at our training complex, reducing the demand on the mains water supply to service the pitch irrigation system
Plant based/low carbon food
- Approximately 50% of food suppliers are local. Work with catering suppliers to ensure where possible, the procurement and supply chain is sustainable with produce locally grown. For example, beef is sourced from the Ribble Valley (10 miles away), match day pie provider is also 10 miles away
- No vegan or plant based options available
- No information found or provided
Information sourced directly from Burnley FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated November 4th 2019
Sheffield United 2020
Clean/Renewable Energy
- Solar panels on the roof at the Academy
Energy Efficiency
- It is estimated that around 80% of the ground is on LED, begun to install passive infared sensor (PIR) units so lights only on when room in use
- Office block having a new ventilation system installed with a heat recovery plant installed.
- Underground pitch heating boiler replaced with a modern energy efficient boiler– Recently replaced floodlights with LED units and have a rolling programme of replacing existing tungsten lighting with LED units, some areas are 100% (hospitality suites)
- LED lights now extended to Concourse lighting and upgrading to approve lux levels
- It is estimated that around 50% of the ground is on LED, begun to install passive infared sensor (PIR) units so lights only on when room in use
- The Academy pitch lights have been replaced with LED units
- At Bramall Lane modern efficient boilers with a back up boiler have been installed. Soon underground pitch heating boiler will be replaced with a modern energy efficient boiler
Sustainable Transport
- No parking onsite, public transport options advised
- Electric vehicle plug-in points available as part of the hotel, on-site at Bramall Lane
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Sauce sachets replaced by refillable bottles
- Agreed with disposal firm to split food waste to be used as a fuel, but not rolled out yet due to no Hospitality at the moment
- Working with catering partner to reduce single use plastics at Bramall Lane:
- All disposable food packaging is 100% sustainable and compostable
- Remove all plastic straws and replace with paper straws, on request only
- Remove all plastic cutlery and replace with a sustainable wood alternative
- Remove all plastic stirrers and replace with a sustainable wood alternative
- Next steps will include:
- Sauce sachets to be replaced by refillable bottles by the end of 2019, across the stadium
- Looking into a solution for plastic glasses and trials have been conducted at other Levy venues
- Water fountains and bottle filling points installed around the stadium
- Further waste segregation and recycling points installed throughout the stadium
- Solutions found for plastic coffee cup lids and plastic milk jiggers
Waste Management
- Partnership with waste management firm now also segregates food
- 100% diversion of waste from landfill
- Partnership with waste management firm enables business to easily segregate general waste, dry mixed recycling (DMR) cardboard, paper and glass materials
Water Use
- Water less system at office level for male toilets, now extended to John Street concourse, another area of the ground
- Water bore hole at Bramall Lane and training ground assists in the irrigation of the pitch
- Water less system at office level for male toilets
Plant based/low carbon food
- Menus use a minimum of 80% British seasonal fruit and veg, if it comes via plane we will not use it
- 25% of menus are plant based, vegan or vegetarian currently
- All fish used is Marine Conservation Society (MCS) grades 1-3
- Plans for food waste to be reduced by 20% by 2020
- Plans to deliver 50% reduction in beef consumption by 2020
- DJB waste disposal firm now have information on the web site SUFC to follow once system working on a regular basis
- No sustainability or environment page on website, no club news and very little coverage on third party websites
- Light reference in customer charter on official website:
Additional information
- The stadium’s lightweight cable-net roof reduces the embodied carbon of the structure.
Information sourced directly from Sheffield United FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated January 23rd 2021
Leicester City 2020
Clean/Renewable Energy
- 100 percent renewable energy supplied to all LCFC sites
- No information found/provided
Energy Efficiency
- LED lighting throughout the new training ground including floodlighting on pitches
- LED lighting at stadium
Sustainable Transport
- Bus, train and park and ride options advocated
- Cycle to work scheme available for staff
- EV charging points and low carbon transport on site at the new training ground such as electric vans, buggies, scooters and bicycles
- Public transport options to get to stadium
- Bus, train and park and ride options available
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Drinking fountains installed
- Wooden forks & bottles instead of sachets
- Developing plan to reduce and comply with ISO 14001
- Supporting the Premier League and Sky’s ‘Pass on Plastics’ campaign, and Leicester City Council’s environmental campaign, ‘Kicking it to Plastics’
- A reusable cup scheme is set to be launch in the next few weeks (stated in October 2019)
- Supply chain have been asked to remove plastic from their operations; i.e. the linen that comes in plastic wrapping to the venue
- Leicester City replica shirts are made from recycled material and the Foxes Fanstore stocks a small range of recycled products.
Waste Management
- Recycling bins in offices
- Recycling is available and a plan is being developing to take action further
- Space and power allocated for a dedicated recycling area as part of site development, which can be up and running quickly
Water Use
- Some pitch irrigation is fed from rainwater
- A government energy saving opportunity scheme – ESOS Stage 2 – is ongoing
- Water use has been reconstituted to go to watering pitches and some of the irrigation is fed from rainwater
- Significantly reduced the amount of water that goes to sewers
- Supplier enables improved data on usages and where water can be saved
- Isolation valves across all bathrooms have been installed to isolate local leaks
- Sensor flushes have begun to be installed
Plant based/low carbon food
- Vegan pasty, vegetarian pie, jackfruit curry available
Information sourced directly from Leicester City FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated 11 November 2019
Fulham FC 2020
Clean/Renewable Energy
- Electricity is green-sourced, but not gas
Energy Efficiency
- Electrical monitoring system at Craven Cottage
- LED lights throughout sites and flood lights
- Aircon turns off automatically as you leave the building on all sites
Sustainable Transport
- Encouragement to use public transport, walking, cycle to work scheme for all staff
- Encourages supporters to travel to stadium via public transport, or by walking or riding, due to the proximity of the stadium, there is zero parking so the majority of supporters to use public transport or cycle/walk
- Electric pool cars used
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- No paper cups for coffee machines, all staff and players use reusable coffee cups
- Reduced use of plastic water bottles, players use named reusable water bottles
- Buxton now supply water bottles so less wastage when making up supplement drinks
- Water fountains on site to encourages players, staff and visitors to refill water bottles
Waste Management
- Zero waste to landfill. Waste contractor has environmental policy
- Central recycling, general waste, food waste and battery recycling implemented
- A recent visit to a recycling plant to inform the club at how recycling works and what changes needed to be implemented such as not using the black bin liners as this prohibits the recycling at the recycling plant
- Paper usage is monitored, including a league table of which departments prints the least amount of paper
Water Use
- Water meters in place for grounds team, tanks to monitor water usage across pitches
- The club is working with Thames Water on water saving initiatives but no official policy is in place yet
Plant based/low carbon food
- Plant-based/vegan/vegetarian options provided at the training ground, stadium and staff canteens for staff players and supporters
- No sustainability/environmental policy in place or page on website
- No club news articles in last 6 months on sustainability, environment, climate change etc
Information sourced directly from Fulham FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated January 23rd 2021
Leeds United 2020
Clean/Renewable Energy
- 100% green energy on all sites
Energy Efficiency
- Building management system in place on all our premises
- 60% of stadium converted to LED lighting
- Decreased consumption in heating, lighting & electrical equipment remotely controlled
- LED lighting (inc. floodlights) & high-efficiency building services systems in place at Stadium and Academy intelligent controlled.
Sustainable Transport
- Stadium promoted as ‘Public Transport Destination’; shuttle bus links, good pedestrian connections, regular transport updates. Driving not advised.
- Advocates public transport and cycling to and from work, Car Sharing Pre COVID – Outbreak
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Vegware compostable cups are used throughout the stadium (reported to Sport Positive at 17:00 on 25th January, after table launch)
- No information provided or found through research
Waste Management
- Less than 5% of waste to landfill
- 100% of waste received on site is weighed and recorded. Once the container is tipped it goes through both a manual and mechanical separation process, this ensures that we maximise the segregation of each waste type. The remaining wastes are bulk loaded either for further recycling and re processing, The residual waste that cannot be processed further is no longer sent to landfill it is sent for “RDF” – Refuse Derived Fuel that generates substantial energy to homes and businesses
- To further maximise the food waste going for Green Energy, LUFC have 30 x 240 Litre Wheeled Bins that are placed around site in the relevant areas – These are then collected using a bin wagon which then tipped directly at the Green Energy plant as oppose to tipping it in your Compactor and us segregating at our Waste Transfer site.
Water Use
- Water efficiency policy in place (reported to Sport Positive at 17:00 on 25th January, after table launch)
- Waterless urinals at Stadium and Academy
- Drainage & extraction system inc. attenuation pond & on site bore hole that extract water at Academy. 2 No. attenuation tanks at Stadium.
Plant based/low carbon food
- Vegan & vegetarian options available across the concourse on match days
- No environmental policy or page on website, none found in research and no info on this provided by LUFC staff
Information sourced directly from Leeds United FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated January 25th 2021
Wolverhampton Wanderers 2020
Clean/Renewable Energy
- 100% renewable energy across all sites
- No information found/provided
Energy Efficiency
- Many areas have Building Management Systems, as well as a comprehensive metering system that enables usage to be tracked across each area of the buildings
- Energy Champion’ in each department to help control energy usage in each area of the business. We have also been very diligent over the last few months (end of 2020) to close down areas that not in use
- LED lighting and energy efficient boilers
Sustainable Transport
- No unreserved parking is available at Molineux and public transport options advised and encouraged
- Incentive to use buses with a discounted rate for match day:
- Public transport options advised
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Swapped all cutlery & stirrers to wooden items
- Removed all sauce sachets and use Heinz 5l bags
- All disposable cups are biodegradable
- All pies / sausage rolls served in biodegradable boxes/bags
- Plastic Straws no longer used on site, paper straws used instead
- Going cashless has also helped eliminate pre-sealed money bags from G4S
- Looking to introduce reusable cups
- Trialling more canned products to reduce PET’s
- Adding draught where possible
Waste Management
- 85% of all the club’s waste is recycled by our waste management company in their state of the art recycling plant
Water Use
- Water controls on all of our urinals and we have water saving devices on all of the toilet cisterns
Plant based/low carbon food
- Plant based food available across all sites
- They also endeavour to order local seasonal food to reduce the carbon footprint of things being transported around the globe.
- Vegan sausage roll available
- No sustainability or environment page on website, some information communicated on club news and through third party websites
Information sourced directly from Wolverhampton Wanderers FC staff, website and third party websites
Information updated January 24th 2021