Clean Energy
- 1000 m2 (10763 sq ft) of solar panels on the roof of the training centre
- 40,000 m2 (430556 sq ft) of solar panels in OL Valley Geothermal system to produce heat
- 100% of the electricity consumed on OL Valley comes from renewable sources
- The purchase of this energy also contributes to the “Nature Option Energie” fund, which finances the research, development and construction of new hydraulic, wind and solar renewable energies in France
Energy Efficiency
- The progressive deployment of sensors (temperature and electricity) to obtain a better energy mapping of the building
- Building management system in place
- HelpOL application that allows spectators to report leaks and faults, as well as a valve shut-off system to secure the networks in case of abnormal over-consumption
- Low energy LED stand lighting
- Electricity consumption 18/19 = 9,370 MWh
Sustainable Transport
- Public transport available, especially supported by the City of Lyon: new tramway, train station nearby, special buses and trams for match days, cost the club 100-150k per match (almost 3m per year).
- Free bike parking in both stadium ramps -> 550 spaces
- Free shuttle buses are available in satellite car parks to reduce traffic congestion
- Fan survey: 39% of fans use public transport to get to matches
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Reusable Eco Cup
- LemonTri machines in the stadium to recover plastic bottles in a fun way (reward system)
- Isothermal mugs distributed to all employees to replace coffee cups on a daily basis
- Separate collection of plastic bottles on match days by the cleaning company
- Follow-up of the AGEC law: Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law: Stop single-use plastic
Waste Management
- Recycling at the stadium
- 100% of waste recovered including 30% recycled and 70% incinerated for energy production
- Reuse and recycling of glass; recycling of cardboard, paper, plastic and metals; and organic recovery of bio-waste
- Composter on site for the recovery of bio-waste from collective catering (canteen)
- Partnership with the Banque Alimentaire du Rhône, around 6 tonnes of foodstuffs were donated during the previous sports season for redistribution to social assistance associations
- Monitoring of the AGEC law: Anti-Waste and Circular Economy Law
Water Efficiency
- Rainwater recovery system thanks to the stadium roof. This water is used to water the various green areas and lawns of the Groupama Stadium
- A water leak detection system with a valve cut-off system to secure the water network in the event of abnormal over-consumption
- HelpOL application so that supporters can warn of water leaks in real time.
Plant-based/Low Carbon Food
- Commitment to responsible sourcing through the charters and decisions taken by SODEXO, the club’s sole catering supplier: sustainable fishing, meat of French origin for the most part.
- SODEXO is committed to ensuring that more than 50% of its beef is of French origin, to promoting sustainable agriculture, to sourcing sustainable palm oil and to supporting animal welfare.
- SODEXO’s actions linked to the signature of the 15 commitments charter and the OL FPFP label: in line with these 2 guidelines, choice of local, certified (organic or other) and vegetarian food (in the refreshment area: daily specials, vegetarian sandwiches and meat-free pizza + meat-free dishes for hospitality/seminars/concierge services) at certain percentages.
- Since 2016, there are 6 beehives at the Groupama Stadium. Increased to 12 hives at the beginning of 2020 – aound 360,000 bees produce 100 kg of honey each year (260 kg in 2020)
- Creation of an educational permaculture garden of 550 m2, called the “Hero’s Garden” to encourage biodiversity
- Workshops on the theme of beehives and the environment (biodiversity, food, health, composting, pollution and the 5 senses) for the Groupama Stadium area (schools, medical and social services, general public, etc.) to raise awareness of environmental issues
- Reasoned maintenance of green spaces and lawns. Reconstitution of habitats for species present on the site before construction
- Conservation of the “Bois du Montout” for migratory birds.
Policy, Commitments and Communications
- Signing of the Lyon Metropole Territorial Climate Air and Energy Plan. Available in full on the club’s official website:
- All the actions of the OL Foundation are available on the following link:
- Environmental” partnership with the VEOLIA Group
- Realisation of the OL Group’s carbon footprint
- Time for the Planet” movement to raise funds for the creation of companies capable of fighting global warming
- Awarding of the Fair Play For Planet 2-star label
- OL and the Léo Lagrange Federation joined forces for an innovative educational programme in favour of the environment
- Signatory of the Charter of 15 eco-responsible commitments (WWF and French Ministry collaboration)
Information shared directly from Olympique Lyonnais staff, website and third party websites.
Information updated on April 6, 2022