Policy and Commitment
- Environmental statement on website: https://www.brightonandhovealbion.com/club/club/environmental-statement/
- We have a clear club policy statement on the website, which outlines the club’s commitment to a sustainable business.
- Established a Sustainability Committee/working group formed, starting to engage with third party agencies to help us develop a framework to assess/audit where we currently are as a business, identify any major gaps/red flags, and start to develop a strategy with realistic targets and commitments
- Sustainability is a standing agenda item within clubs Ethics Committee (two Main Club Board members and two Women’s Club Board members part of this committee to ensure alignment and engagement with Main Board)
- The Club continues to work with an external consultant, Ardea International, https://www.ardeainternational.com a sustainability and business and human rights consultancy with expertise in modern slavery
- Updated Modern Slavery Statement (sitting within Ethics Committee work), updated Dec 2021, https://www.brightonandhovealbion.com/club/club/modern-slavery incorporates multiple references, work and commitments to sustainable good practice. Examples include updating our sustainable procurement policy which forms the basis of our revised sustainable procurement framework that addresses the risk of modern slavery, along with risks in relation to environmental impacts and governance requirements and a sustainable procurement procedure which sets out the process by which environmental, social and economic factors (including human rights) are built into the Club’s purchasing decisions, supplier selection and management (to include staff training in management and procurement roles on sustainable procurement)
Clean/Renewable Energy
- Electricity remains green electricity at all the facilities, stadium, offices at the stadium and training ground via EDF
- It is renewable for business 100% (Electricity backed by UK REGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origins) or European GoOs, (Guarantee of Origin) from a blend of sources including hydro, wind, solar, biomass and landfill gas
- Solar panels on the training ground rooftop. In addition in 2021 we have installed a further 144 panels on the new training ground extension roof and 218 on our new Women’s and Community training facility.
- We fully offset our carbon emissions in relation to gas which has included the planting of trees at local schools through our Albion in the Community scheme and, Brazilian Amazon Verified Carbon Standard Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation project (in partnership with Carbon Footprint Ltd).
- One tree is planted in the UK for each tCO2e we offset. Current year is based upon 1197 tonnes / trees (1211 last year in the South East England)
Energy Efficiency
- Systematic energy efficient plans in place with Cube Controls (Building Management System Operators) and BCR Associates (Energy Consultants) to further assess, monitor understand our usage across the facilities, enabling us to identify and introduce further reductions and enable greater energy efficiency. Monthly reporting included within this.
- Training Ground (TG) as well as the Amex is also BREEAM certified as very good
- Ongoing programme of lamp/lighting changes across both the stadium and training ground to LED equivalent to reduce power consumption costs by up to 50%. (Internal lighting – 60% at Stadium & 80% at TG; External lighting – 100% at Stadium).
- Looking to introduce clip monitoring to further understand our utility usage on site.
- Ground staff have electric mowers for use at the stadium
- LED floodlights in stadium and training ground
- Lighting in most internal areas of the stadium and TG are sensor activated
- Time clocks in use for external lighting along with sensors so will only activate when it gets dark
- Air conditioning also has time management controls in to prevent being left operational for extended periods of time
- Building management system utilised to programme plant around the venue event programme
Sustainable Transport
- Club is committed to advocating for sustainable transport options especially for match days through various schemes as detailed below
- Brighton & Hove Albion Football Club offer home and away fans free subsidised travel on buses and trains within the Free Travel Zone https://www.brightonandhovealbion.com/club/stadiums/the-amex-stadium/fans-guide All season ticket and general admission tickets holders benefit from this.
- We track annually the percentage of fans taking various modes of transport to games and reports this annually via various relevant organisations such as local Safety Advisory Group (SAG), SGSA and Brighton and Hove City Council. Average splits for transport use on matchdays in past 3 seasons (covid impacted);
- Trains 42%
- Park and Ride 15%
- Coaches/Minibuses 16%
- Parking 15%
- Walking 5%
- Scheduled City buses 6%
- Cycling 0.5%
- Motorbikes 0.5%
- Subsidised bus travel scheme for staff
- Secure bike racks available at Training Ground and stadium for staff and fans
- Currently investigating installation of electric vehicle charging at both training ground and stadium via EDF and Pod Point (plan to commence installation in 2022)
- Security and maintenance teams use electric buggies at the stadium
- Once the Premier League covid protocols and compliance around team travel will be looking at team travel and how a more sustainable approach can be taken
Single Use Plastic Reduction/Removal
- Strategy in place to reduce/remove single use plastic from all operations
- Working with a new paper cup solution JUST PEEL which is 100% biodegradable for our draught beer which will eliminate all single use plastic pint and half pint glasses accounting for over 20,000 SUP glasses per match day. Trial in January 2022 for licensing sign off and live before end of this season.
- All food packaging is now 100% recyclable and a proactive scheme to separate food waste in our kiosks is in place
- Eliminated plastic straws, stirrers & cutlery, using paper cups for match days & at design stage for full roll out
- As part of the ‘On the ball’ campaign to provide free sanitary products for people attending our venues as well staff and female players, we have introduced plastic free ranges – in place at both the stadium and TG
- Removed plastic carrier bags from club shop
- Staff Restaurant at stadium was SUP free before Covid 19, this will continue following restrictions to service style
- Moved to Smart Water on match days the only fully recyclable water bottle to ensure all our bottled products can be successfully recycled
- Bottle lids still collected and distributed to Lush once Covid restrictions are removed
- At training ground eliminated plastic straws, stirrers & cutlery, plant-based cutlery/cups and take away containers are used
Waste Management
- Waste management strategy in place
- Zero waste to landfill operation as a club
- Implemented 100% digital ticketing and have reduced season ticket cards from over 24,000 to just 1,200 cards. We are no longer using physical printed ticket stock either for home tickets and all of these are sent as downloadable tickets to your phone
- The first club in the PL to launch away tickets on mobile, which happened for the game against Watford at home in August 2021. The system has required some refinement but we are committed to moving away from issuing 3k physical tickets and instead moving to mobile away tickets to remove the environmental impact of the ticket stock and distribution etc
- Introduced separate cardboard and paper waste disposal at the Stadium to maximise this area away from other recyclables
- All offices have general waste and recycling options available throughout at training ground and stadium.
- We have separate bins for feminine hygiene, clinical/PPE waste and sharps boxes
- Recycle wood and pallets through Brighton wood store who re-use to make furniture and other items
- Battery, lamp and copy toner, IT equipment recycling schemes in place with any money gained going to Albion in the Community (clubs’ charitable trust)
- Green waste is disposed of at Brighton composting centre
- Next season plan to introduce a much more sustainable membership pack for adults. For example recycled notepad made of rPET, a bamboo pen, that comes in an ecobox that is fully recyclable, along with some seed sticks to encourage people to plant
Water Efficiency
- Water efficiency management strategy in place
- Bottled water purchase needs for technical teams via Life Water (100% recyclable and carbon neutral) where every bottle of water we use deliveries 1000 litres of clean drinking water to a community in need (primarily Africa)
- Use of percussion showers and taps across both venues to reduce waste water
- Ground water recycling at Training Ground via pitch irrigation system
- Reusable water bottles and coffee cups issued to all members of staff along with installation of water fountains across stadium and training ground
- Waterless urinals in public concourses at Stadium
- Water provisions are linked to lighting in kiosks and toilets to prevent unnecessary usage
Plant based/low carbon food
- Vegan & vegetarian option available in all catering areas, local suppliers used, also we are also encouraging suppliers to remove SUP from packaging
- General admission concourse dietary options are all advertised via the digital signage above each respective outlet dishes include vegetable Tagine with wild rice and vegan piglets offers
- Every lounge has a vegan/veggie option and full dietary menu in the restaurants
- Match day General admission concourse offers 7 hot options, 3 of which are plant based 1 of those has none of the known allergens and is gluten free also (Hot Dog Cheese Burger, Chicken Pie, Steak Pie, Vegan/Veggie Pie, Vegan Roll , Vegan/Gluten Free/Diary Free special (such as vegetable tagine)
- Pre-Covid we had ‘meat free’ Mondays at the Amex for staff to help encourage non-meat choices
- Pie supplier has changed their internal wrapping from SUP to alternative
- Over 30% of our food offering on a match day is vegan or vegetarian
- Working with Quorn to create carbon neutral dishes designed to be 100% carbon neutral
- Staff feeding kitchen working with a new system called lean path which weighs food waste every day and measures output to encourage less waste
- Engaged with innocent smoothies as a child and environmentally friendly recyclable option
- Digital signage this season has been used to promote recycling, advertise the diversity of our food offering, highlighting vegan vegetarian and speciality items.
- Staff and players daily food options at the stadium and training ground provide for all dietary needs including vegan/plant based
- Fish supplier is local to Sussex (Shoreham) and guarantees provenance that all fish purchased is caught within the quota limits set by the United Kingdom and European Union and is therefore sustainable
- Meat supplier is Sussex based (Bexhill) and fruit and vegetable supplier is based in Brighton
- Training ground development has engendered the planting of an extra circa. 1000 trees/bushes on site as part of the landscaping programme
- As part of training ground facility extension programme that concluded summer 2021, all ecology elements within BREEAM programme were complied with including appointing ecologist and complying with all ecologist recommendations
- Developing 5 point plan to ensure our sites are more bio-diverse
- We are currently investigating options and benefits associated with a green waste biodiversity proposal which our Stadium Head Grounds person has produced. This could utilise green waste form our stadium, training ground and the country park being built next to the TG with which we have an associated interest
- Agreement with ticket stock provider that when Away teams request paper tickets, they identify and capture the equivalent costs in CO2 emissions from paper/print purchases and plant in native woodland, through the Woodland Trust and the Woodland Carbon scheme.
- Charitable arm Albion in the Community (AITC) deliver the Premier League Inspires project via their secondary school’s programme, which challenges pupils to complete surrounding sustainability and environmental impacts. The challenge this year is as follows: “We would like you to create a social action project to help address environmental sustainability at your football club. In your teams, discuss what matters to you when it comes to climate change and environmental sustainability. What do you think the big issues for your football club might be? How might your ideas support what your club is already doing in this space. Think about how your social action might lead to actual change.”
- This challenge is for school teams of 5 students, with weekly sessions in school and an event at the stadium, for teams, schools and individuals to look at the challenge and create a social action project on Climate Change
- We will also be hosting a Regional Event at the AMEX, where other clubs will join our winning team to present their ideas and learn more about the climate change and how Football Clubs can become more climate friendly. (Our FT scholars programme plans to commit to this Inspires Project in 22/23 season)
- AITC have agreed to join 14 other Premier League Clubs to be a part of the Planet Super League Organisation in conjunction with the Premier League to deliver via their schools programme the following National Schools Project
- This project uses the power of football, fans and schools to help the community fan base raise awareness of environmental issues such as climate change, sustainability etc and empower change both at an individual level, family level and wider.
- As part of our formal partnership with the Football Business Academy (FBA) www.the-fba.com in Switzerland, we have tasked 4 candidates to deliver their Student Business Project for Brighton & Hove Albion FC to “Identify and present a plan to enhance Brighton & Hove Albion FC’s commitment to environmental sustainability.”
- Sustainability will form part of the all-staff induction programme from season 22/23 onwards
- We are building a network of staff sustainability champions to help engage and educate colleagues across the club
- We are collaborating with our local universities and key sponsors to identify ways in which we can engage with the local community to support us on our sustainability journey
Communication and Engagement
- Environmental statement on website: https://www.brightonandhovealbion.com/club/club/environmental-statement/
- We have a clear club policy statement on the website, which outlines the club’s commitment to a sustainable business.
- We report our carbon emissions via the government’s Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) each year which is included within our directors report on the annual accounts.
- We will educate fans via our web and social channels and via matchday comms (programme, etc.)
Additional information
Information sourced directly from Brighton and Hove Albion F.C. staff, website and third party websites
Information updated 21 January, 2022
For 2019 and 2020 information click here